Allison's bookmarks (tagged theory)

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The Dungeon Mode

html excerpt from wiley's mfa thesis: "A dungeon raid is a violent archaeology carried out within a hostile system of architecture rather than in a specific place. The “place” of a videogame dungeon lies in a form of visionary architecture, created by some imperial force positioned in a hierarchy of power that is part of a fantasy world... Adjacent to fantasy and architecture, dungeon games have an opportunity to critique history, power, place, and orientation."

videogames architecture dungeons fantasy theory

Teaching AI Feminism and Making Art

"I run datasets of iconic feminist texts through a simple textRNN, generating new feminists texts in the legendary words of bell hooks, Simone De Beauvoir, Betty Friedan and Audre Lorde. Some are funny. Some are poetic. Some make no sense at all and some are way too real. Information about the model and settings can be found under each post."

poetics text machinelearning language generative feminism theory