100STYLE - Ian Mason
"over 4 million frames of motion capture data for 100 different styles of locomotion"
"over 4 million frames of motion capture data for 100 different styles of locomotion"
"a JupyterLab extension for 3D geometry modeling with collaborative editing support" this is cool but how come I didn't know about Open CASCADE until today
gorgeous procedural geometry in blender (via lynn cherny's newsletter)
"using regl is easier than writing raw webgl code because you don't need to manage state or binding. it's also lighter and faster and has less overhead than many existing 3d frameworks. and it has a functional data-driven style inspired by react."
matches skull pose to photograph of animal with matching pose! actually a good example of (benign but illustrative) algorithmic bias, e.g., all of the upside-down skulls are bats, all of the skulls viewed underneath are birds
great moments in cinema history: two interpolated faces making 😲 faces at each other
jeez I love this (via galaxykate's twitter)