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Stuff I found on the Internet

AI: The New Aesthetics of Fascism // New Socialist

"Talking about AI’s environmental impact or its implications for the workforce will not work - they like that, it makes them feel dangerous. Instead of talking about taking money from artists, talk about how it makes them look cheap. If hurting and offending people is part of the point, then we can take that fun away from them by refusing to express hurt or offence, even if we feel it."

ai aesthetics politics

Voters Were Right About the Economy. The Data Was Wrong. - POLITICO

I would like to see their methodology, but their results ring true. "...since 2001, the cost of living for Americans with modest incomes has risen 35 percent faster than the CPI. Put another way: The resources required simply to maintain the same working-class lifestyle over the last two decades have risen much more dramatically than we’ve been led to believe". file under "you treasure what you measure"

politics economics

GailBot: An Automatic Transcription System for Conversation Analysis | Human Interaction Laboratory

from the annals of wrongheaded misunderstandings of the purpose of a technique: "Jeffersonian transcription is slow going. On one hand, the process of re-listening to the audio to add more and more details helps the researcher understand the mechanisms underlying the interaction. On the other hand, the laborious process limits the amount of data researchers can analyze. For example, it would be close to impossible to generate enough Jeffersonian transcripts to train a deep learning language model" next up: thicken your description with GeertzGPT

ai linguistics conversationanalysis transcription


"This is a tarpit intended to catch web crawlers. Specifically, it's targetting crawlers that scrape data for LLM's - but really, like the plants it is named after, it'll eat just about anything that finds it's way inside."

poetics web ai languagemodels

We're getting the social media crisis wrong

"The collective perspectives that emerge from social media - our understanding of what the public is and wants - are similarly shaped by algorithms that select on some aspects of the public, while sidelining others. And we tend to orient ourselves towards that understanding, through a mixture of reflective beliefs, conformity with shibboleths, and revised understandings of coalitional politics." essentially: metrics normalize

politics socialmedia

Utopian Visions Through Art and Design – Syllabus

"...the idea of a utopia, a perfect place, seems naive and hopelessly unattainable—unless we revise our understanding to imagine utopia not as an unreachable destination, but as a flexible foundation for thinking critically about the present."

utopia art design history

No Escape: The Weaponization of Gender for the Purposes of Digital Transnational Repression - The Citizen Lab

"[T]he intersecting identities of those targeted by gender-based digital transnational repression – namely, their gender, race, ethnicity, immigration status, and socio-economic class in the host country, among others – lead to compounded vulnerability. Exiled and diaspora women human rights defenders often lack robust social networks and support structures in their host societies, leaving them further isolated and exposed to state repression"

internet culture gender activism

X Cicéro

"Une série d’impressions des caractères disponibles a ensuite servi de point de départ au dessin de caractères numériques, qui a leur tour ont servi de modèles pour des essais de découpe numérique. Les objectifs, à long terme, sont de pouvoir réhabiliter ces caractères et d’en produire de nouveaux, et de faire vivre l’atelier d’impression typographique." downloadable "tels quels" and licensed with OFL

typography design letterpress fonts