Allison's bookmarks (most recent)

Stuff I found on the Internet

How Digital Marketing Broke Society

"Digital marketing is a fundamental threat to human flourishing, cognitive autonomy, and democratic governance. The industry has normalized a state of perpetual surveillance and manipulation that would have been unthinkable just decades ago. Its methodologies have created a world where attention is constantly hijacked, emotions are continuously manipulated, and reality itself is customized in pursuit of extraction value."

internet media culture politics marketing

Diligence Jones: "I appreciate all the earnest f…" -

"The fight you're in is about segregation. The government is forcing you to choose segregation -- the obstruction of non white people (and white women) -- as well as queer, trans, and disabled people -- from entering or advancing in your industry." honestly "DEI programs" should have been called "anti-segregation programs" since the beginning

politics culture

The hardest working font in Manhattan – Aresluna

"... the imperfections and bad decisions are what makes Gorton come alive. They don’t feel like a profound misunderstandings of typography, typesetting, or Gorton itself. They don’t feel like abuses or aberrations. No, they feel exactly how Gorton was supposed to be used – haphazardly, without much care, to solve a problem and walk away."

typography history technology

The real problem with the AI hype • Wim Vanderbauwhede

"[E]ven if the growth in AI never materialises, the hype has set in motion a chain of events which, if allowed to go unchecked, can only lead to a rise in emissions.... [G]enerators will want to sell [their excess] electricity and therefore push hard to increase consumption... as they need at least to recoup their investment. Data centre operators also want to make a profit... so even if AI would die an ignoble death, they will try to find new workloads, and again push at consumers to use those new services." extrapolating from this: if it wasn't AI, it would be something else. there's nothing in place to meaningfully stop big oil from selling their product and capitalists from using that oil to power whatever new useless scheme they can come up with to make number go up

ai energy climatechange

The Bishop and the Billionaire

"Convincing everyone isn't the goal; noticing direction is, and noticing who aligns with and against simple declarations of truth and decency will do that. Your practiced indifference to convincing your opponents, meanwhile, will deliver the message that truth and decency are things that will be pursued without first receiving permission from indecent liars."


I Met Paul Graham Once – Phill MV

"[E]ssays like pg’s... create the permission structure for people to discriminate against me. [...] I’m better at my job than most. I’d be a better startup founder today than I was in 2015. None of that will matter. It feels as if people like pg, or at least people he hangs out with, who once upon a time believed in me, who lifted me up, recognized my talent, would now prefer that I be relegated to the sex slave caste."

gender politics technology

AI: The New Aesthetics of Fascism // New Socialist

"Talking about AI’s environmental impact or its implications for the workforce will not work - they like that, it makes them feel dangerous. Instead of talking about taking money from artists, talk about how it makes them look cheap. If hurting and offending people is part of the point, then we can take that fun away from them by refusing to express hurt or offence, even if we feel it."

ai aesthetics politics

Voters Were Right About the Economy. The Data Was Wrong. - POLITICO

I would like to see their methodology, but their results ring true. "...since 2001, the cost of living for Americans with modest incomes has risen 35 percent faster than the CPI. Put another way: The resources required simply to maintain the same working-class lifestyle over the last two decades have risen much more dramatically than we’ve been led to believe". file under "you treasure what you measure"

politics economics

GailBot: An Automatic Transcription System for Conversation Analysis | Human Interaction Laboratory

from the annals of wrongheaded misunderstandings of the purpose of a technique: "Jeffersonian transcription is slow going. On one hand, the process of re-listening to the audio to add more and more details helps the researcher understand the mechanisms underlying the interaction. On the other hand, the laborious process limits the amount of data researchers can analyze. For example, it would be close to impossible to generate enough Jeffersonian transcripts to train a deep learning language model" next up: thicken your description with GeertzGPT

ai linguistics conversationanalysis transcription


"This is a tarpit intended to catch web crawlers. Specifically, it's targetting crawlers that scrape data for LLM's - but really, like the plants it is named after, it'll eat just about anything that finds it's way inside."

poetics web ai languagemodels