Allison's bookmarks (tagged feminism)

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Is a Cervix Cis?: My Year in the Stirrups - Aster(ix) Journal

"nothing is denied the girl in that video by recognizing that the hatred of girls and women on display therein attacks trans girls and women with equal vigor. That experience is activated when you are sexed or sexualized against your will, when having health care that focuses on your genitals or have such healthcare withheld"

gender trans feminism

Teaching AI Feminism and Making Art

"I run datasets of iconic feminist texts through a simple textRNN, generating new feminists texts in the legendary words of bell hooks, Simone De Beauvoir, Betty Friedan and Audre Lorde. Some are funny. Some are poetic. Some make no sense at all and some are way too real. Information about the model and settings can be found under each post."

poetics text machinelearning language generative feminism theory

The Quietus | Film | Film Features | The Talented Ms Ripley: 40 Years Of Alien's Complex Feminist Legacy

"Alien is not, as a whole, a feminist work. Yet Ripley’s force as a character blasts through the sexual subtexts, and far outlasts them; you don’t remember her as threatened, but as triumphing. One of the most rewarding things about science-fiction for feminists is the way it allows us to imagine different possibilities, other futures. Alien’s neo-colonial world is no utopia, but even its nightmare offered a glimpse of a new freedom..."

scifi feminism culture