foobles' land
very small and good 8-bit RNG
very small and good 8-bit RNG
had completely sailed under my radar, but looks really nice for dev and prototyping? python bindings too
dream OS tbh
nyu library has this online, but it's in the goofy o'reilly ebook reader thing
these are kinda fun
good tips toward stack allocation in gameboy assembly
"A single PHP file which acts as a basic ActivityPub bot server"
jeremy douglass breaks fatfinger.js for fun and profit
"a programming platform designed to be global, supporting all of the world's languages, but also be about the world's languages. A platform on which everyone can create, with whatever abilities they have, to share interactive content that anyone can experience. For youth and young adults who want to express themselves through interactive words, emojis, and typography, playfully and artfully. Not with the goal of getting power for themselves, but to create a computational world that recognize the incredible strength and necessity of our beautiful differences."
i always lose track of this site, which is very nice
a few data points from a report that is hidden behind a form asking you to donate your e-mail address to a sales department; mostly anecdotes otherwise
straightforward tutorial, links to complete example
with just a little bit of micropython code. neat!
"For those eager to truly grasp how compilers work, Writing a C Compiler dispels the mystery. This book guides you through a fun and engaging project where you’ll learn what it takes to compile a real-world programming language to actual assembly code."
a wonderful, thoughtful, and down-to-earth statement on LLM use in educational contexts. "I’m a super straight-laced Mormon and, like, never ever swear or curse, but in this case, the word [bullshit] has a formal philosophical meaning... so it doesn’t count :)" lmao.
fascinating overview w/bibliography concerning tally sticks, tokens, counting boards, abaci, etc
"a digital circuit simulation platform... designed primarily for educational use... an open-source project with an active community"
nice simple guide with links to resources
"Noise is not a complicated concept, but it has many subtleties." practical, detailed introduction with code samples
helpful writeup of the very informative youtube video
"a JupyterLab extension for 3D geometry modeling with collaborative editing support" this is cool but how come I didn't know about Open CASCADE until today
well this is gratifying
expansive thread on how to do multiplication with processors that don't have multiplication instructions
"An engine for creating role-playing games using Twine's SugarCube language. Features a complex battle system that can be modified and integrated into your Twine stories."
comprehensive tutorial on raycasting for low-resource machines
cool interactive visualization/explainer
"Much of what I know about problem-solving, creativity, how to handle frustration, how to be skeptical of my own hubris, how complex systems behave, how human relationships work, how to communicate, how to help, how to puzzle things out, how to be tenacious, how to be kind — I could go on — I learned from writing software. Programming helped prepare me to be a parent, a spouse, a musician, a teacher, a citizen, a human."
"If ensuring quality is your responsibility, and the tool you’re using pushes bad quality your way, you are fighting against gravity in that situation. It’s you versus the forces of entropy."
"... there is little room to doubt that the current implementation of AI Assistants discourages code reuse. Instead of refactoring and working to DRY ('Don't Repeat Yourself') code, these Assistants offer a one-keystroke temptation to repeat existing code."
presents "code using physical tools like pencils, brushes, and paint as inspiration. [...] By observing things and attempting to express them in code, you can develop your skills and perspective. The freedom to design your own tools can be an invaluable asset for your creativity."
great discussion of dungeon generation techniques
Daniel Temkin on Code Poetry
presents "a different approach concentrating on the migration from Python to Numpy through vectorization..." with "a lot of techniques that you don't find in books and such techniques are mostly learned through experience"
"[D]o you want to make typographic graphics and animations with code? This is a good & idiosyncratic way to do that." this is tremendous, wow!!
"a Python compiler that aims to provide optimized machine code by compiling type-annotated Python code. It offers several backends, including LLVM, C, C++, and WASM, which allow it to generate code into multiple target languages simultaneously."
"Computer science sequences don’t usually start with databases, HTML, and building web pages from database queries, but that’s what my humanities scholars advisors wanted. [...] We’re showing that we can start from a different place, and introduce 'advanced' ideas even in the first class. Computing education isn’t a sequence — it’s a network."
'Contra OpenAI’s mission, Compton sees generative software’s purpose differently: The practice of software-tool-making is akin to giving birth to a software creature (“a chibi version of the system,” as she put it to me) that can make something—mostly bad or strange or, in any case, caricatured versions of it—and then spending time communing with that creature, as one might with a toy dog, a young child, or a benevolent alien. The aim isn’t to produce the best or most accurate likeness of a hipster cocktail menu or a daybreak mountain vista, but to capture something more truthful than reality. ChatGPT’s ideas for new emoji are viable, but the Emoji Mashup Bot’s offerings feel fitting; you might use them rather than just post about the fact that a computer generated them.'
chris martens' slides
java on the nintendo 64. banger hack imo
for my macos exit strategy
"Green Software Engineering is an emerging discipline at the intersection of climate science, software practices and architecture, electricity markets, hardware and data center design."
oh my god
"using regl is easier than writing raw webgl code because you don't need to manage state or binding. it's also lighter and faster and has less overhead than many existing 3d frameworks. and it has a functional data-driven style inspired by react."
would love to build a whole programming pedagogy around this. kinda perfect
fpp on Orca, a really cool language for livecoding music!
"While these languages are obviously not in common use today, we find it fascinating to think about the world that might have been. Even more surprisingly, it happens that many of these other options include features which developers would love to see appear in CSS even today."
raster to vector conversion in a clever way that doesn't result in double contours around strokes
"Unlike Transformers, Perceivers first map inputs to a small latent space where processing is cheap and doesn't depend on the input size. [...] Perceiver IO can produce (for example) language, optical flow, and multimodal videos with audio." this seems interesting and potentially pedagogically useful
"here are some bad situations I've gotten myself into, and how I eventually got myself out of them"
"a software license that developers can use to prohibit the use of their code by applications or companies that threaten to accelerate climate change through fossil fuel extraction"
"A collection of interactive explorable explanations of complex systems in biology, physics, mathematics, social sciences, epidemiology, ecology and other fields...." lots of ideas here
wif tools and rendering
this is very cool
common format for representing syntax trees of html, markdown, etc.
there's some extent to which these are just genre tropes at this point, but still a valuable reference!
"a rule-based sentence boundary detection that works out-of-the-box"
"a collaborative effort to improve how NLP handles complex morphology in the world’s languages. The goal of UniMorph is to annotate morphological data in a universal schema that allows an inflected word from any language to be defined by its lexical meaning, typically carried by the lemma, and by a rendering of its inflectional form in terms of a bundle of morphological features from our schema."
"Brutal CSS is an immature expression of my frustration with other brutalist website nerds who don't include the one meta tag that makes your website work on mobile."
pandas-like arrays for javascript
python interface for the HTRC Extracted Features dataset
(rec by darius on camp) stripped-down, bare-bones example of how react actually works without all of the rest of the scaffolding
"a series of tools to support creators of new connected technology to reflect on their product’s ethical and social impacts."
rad as fuck imo: send your arduino sketch in a cell, read and plot incoming data in another cell
"an esoteric programming language that closely follows the grammar and tone of classical Chinese literature. Moreover, the alphabet of wenyan contains only traditional Chinese characters and 「」 quotes, so it is guaranteed to be readable by ancient Chinese people." (from one of Golan Levin's students)
like k-means but 1d, good overview
very cool online text classifier generator (just upload your data and then you can pip install your model!)
"We’ll never be able to read all of these documents. What’s unique about this text compared to all the rest? My eyes sting from searching these images for the same thing. We need to find more records like these in a huge pile of data. I could really use a heads-up before this happens again. (Post to come.)" I *reeeeeally* appreciate approaches to ml like this that start with problems to be solved (instead of just taking for granted that ai/ml is useful)
"A free and open-source intermedia sequencer... Enables precise and flexible scripting of interactive scenarios. Control and score any OSC-compliant software or hardware: Max/MSP, PureData, openFrameworks, Processing…"
"This document serves as an introduction, crash course, and quick API reference for TensorFlow 2.0." helpful, works up from the very basics
"Recommendation engines like the ones powering the endless feeds on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, are designed to maximize ad revenue, and therefore to keep you online for as long as possible. In doing so they promote the most reactionary content on their platforms. Yet, these recommendation systems are nothing more than sorting mechanisms. Other Orders provides an alternate set of sorts, optimized for other outcomes."
css stylesheet that displays html as markdown. brilliant
jeez I love this (via galaxykate's twitter)
this is really cool
"it seems asycio is perfectly suited for writing tarpits!"
via @arnicas on twitter, a helpful list. (but binder is the only non-proprietary option listed, which makes me sad)
"I love reading postmortems. They're educational, but unlike most educational docs, they tell an entertaining story."