Allison's bookmarks (tagged pedagogy)

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How to help someone use a computer

"Whenever they start to blame themselves, respond by blaming the computer. Then keep on blaming the computer, no matter how many times it takes, in a calm, authoritative tone of voice. If you need to show off, show off your ability to criticize bad design. When they get nailed by a false assumption about the computer's behavior, tell them their assumption was reasonable. Tell *yourself* that it was reasonable."

computers pedagogy

What Liberal Arts Education Is For – Teaching –

"Much of what I know about problem-solving, creativity, how to handle frustration, how to be skeptical of my own hubris, how complex systems behave, how human relationships work, how to communicate, how to help, how to puzzle things out, how to be tenacious, how to be kind — I could go on — I learned from writing software. Programming helped prepare me to be a parent, a spouse, a musician, a teacher, a citizen, a human."

programming pedagogy academia

AI versus old-school creativity: a 50-student, semester-long showdown – Still Water Lab

"Even after the lessons, students seemed to feel more confident with a traditional approach than with AI. Most felt low-to-moderate confidence about achieving their writing goals with AI, and even less confidence about how to use AI ethically. We hope with future research to figure out whether this insecurity is due to inexperience or endemic to AI tool use."

ai teaching pedagogy

What Humanities Scholars Want Students To Know About the Internet: Alternative Paths for Alternative Endpoints | Computing Ed Research - Guzdial's Take

"Computer science sequences don’t usually start with databases, HTML, and building web pages from database queries, but that’s what my humanities scholars advisors wanted. [...] We’re showing that we can start from a different place, and introduce 'advanced' ideas even in the first class. Computing education isn’t a sequence — it’s a network."

programming pedagogy

Degenerative AI in education | code acts in education

"[E]ducational technology is overly dominated by psychological conceptions of individual learning... AI-based personalized learning systems [are] based on notions of mastery and... statistical measurement," reflecting an "assumption that human intelligence is an individual capacity, which can therefore be improved with technical solutions — like tutorbots — rather than something shaped by educational policies and institutions."

education pedagogy culture ai text

Halt and Catch Fire Syllabus - Halt and Catch Fire Syllabus

'This site features a curriculum developed around the television series, Halt and Catch Fire (2014-2017), a fictional narrative about people working in tech during the 1980s-1990s. The intent is for this website to be used by self-forming small groups that want to create a “watching club” (like a book club) and discuss aspects of technology history that are featured in this series.' really thoughtful and thorough!

pedagogy syllabus technology history culture tv