How decentralized is Bluesky really? -- Dustycloud Brainstorms
"blogging plus feed readers started out a lot more decentralized than Bluesky has, and having one big player enter the room and then exit effectively killed the system"
"blogging plus feed readers started out a lot more decentralized than Bluesky has, and having one big player enter the room and then exit effectively killed the system"
"You might think you can add enough epicycles to your rules to avoid this problem. For instance, you could list all of the different sorts of vehicles from this game in either the yes or the no column. I don't think this is true. I think you can reduce the problem, but I don't think you can eliminate it."
"By competing against Meta in the brainless growth-at-all-cost ideology, we are certain to lose. They are the master of that game. They are trying to bring everyone in their field, to make people compete against them using the weapons they are selling."
"Despite late capitalism, despite all the things we’re going through, the internet already runs on dedicated volunteer labor."
open source collaborative whiteboard!
"Fraidycat is a desktop app or browser extension for Firefox or Chrome. I use it to follow people (hundreds) on whatever platform they choose - Twitter, a blog, YouTube, even on a public TiddlyWiki."