Allison's bookmarks (tagged activism)

Most recent

No Escape: The Weaponization of Gender for the Purposes of Digital Transnational Repression - The Citizen Lab

"[T]he intersecting identities of those targeted by gender-based digital transnational repression – namely, their gender, race, ethnicity, immigration status, and socio-economic class in the host country, among others – lead to compounded vulnerability. Exiled and diaspora women human rights defenders often lack robust social networks and support structures in their host societies, leaving them further isolated and exposed to state repression"

internet culture gender activism

Info - Data Vandals

"We present data in interesting, exciting, and revolutionary new ways, stopping people in their tracks and making them want to learn more"

data activism nyc

Pirate Care - Pirate Care

"Pirate Care is a research process - primarily based in the transnational European space - that maps the increasingly present forms of activism at the intersection of “care” and “piracy”, which in new and interesting ways are trying to intervene in one of the most important challenges of our time, that is, the ‘crisis of care’ in all its multiple and interconnected dimensions."

syllabus politics activism technology