Allison's bookmarks (tagged software)

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Community servers - Monoskop

tremendous resource from monoskop: wiki page dedicated to "interdependent, feminist, trans*feminist, free/libre, self-hosted, autonomous, collective, community and art servers"

infrastructure software community pubnix

Chorus: The Modern Media Stack

"I was happy to see that on its way out the door the editorial folks managed to write and publish an 'oral history' of Buzzfeed News. I guess I had been out of the game just long enough to be surprised, and a little hurt, when I realized the story was being told entirely from the editorial perspective. It's a perspective I value, but I can't help but feel a little bit sad that a product came and went... and I still have no idea who was involved in making that, what difficulties they had, what successes they celebrated."

software media history

Why did the web take over desktop and not mobile? - by Gordon Brander - Subconscious

"The basis of performance shifted from small binaries to smooth interaction. [...] Navigation shifted from keyboard to springboard. [...] Log-in disappeared completely. [...] Discovery shifted from search to app store. [...] Engagement shifted from links to icons. [...] Business models expanded to IAP, subscriptions, and app purchase. [...] Security shifted from sandbox to app review...."

software web history internet

Gemini Gateway

"Gemini is a new internet protocol which: Is heavier than gopher; Is lighter than the web; Will not replace either; Strives for maximum power to weight ratio; Takes user privacy very seriously"

internet software protocols web


"Fraidycat is a desktop app or browser extension for Firefox or Chrome. I use it to follow people (hundreds) on whatever platform they choose - Twitter, a blog, YouTube, even on a public TiddlyWiki."

rss web software socialsoftware


"a series of tools to support creators of new connected technology to reflect on their product’s ethical and social impacts."

ethics programming culture software