"Digital marketing is a fundamental threat to human flourishing, cognitive autonomy, and democratic governance. The industry has normalized a state of perpetual surveillance and manipulation that would have been unthinkable just decades ago. Its methodologies have created a world where attention is constantly hijacked, emotions are continuously manipulated, and reality itself is customized in pursuit of extraction value."
i think what the "eventually generative ai will be indistinguishable from human-made things" folks are failing to understand is that not only do the methods of creation leave traces in the media they create, you can't predict beforehand what those traces will be; also, people are really really good at recognizing these traces
"I was happy to see that on its way out the door the editorial folks managed to write and publish an 'oral history' of Buzzfeed News. I guess I had been out of the game just long enough to be surprised, and a little hurt, when I realized the story was being told entirely from the editorial perspective. It's a perspective I value, but I can't help but feel a little bit sad that a product came and went... and I still have no idea who was involved in making that, what difficulties they had, what successes they celebrated."
"Again and again we see female-dominated media fandoms’ interpretations dismissed as emotional and ideologically motivated. But what is all this vast effort to butch up Kirk but clear evidence of at least equally goal and emotion-driven work on the part of male-dominated sectors of fandom and popular reception?"
"A free and open-source intermedia sequencer... Enables precise and flexible scripting of interactive scenarios. Control and score any OSC-compliant software or hardware: Max/MSP, PureData, openFrameworks, Processing…"